Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio

κόμικς, ζωγραφική, εικονογραφήσεις, καρικατούρες... comics, paintings, illustrations, caricatures...

For my own good

This comic was designed to participate in a conference about phycic health and madness, organised by a mental health activist group Initiative for a Diverse Movement in Mental Health, in 3 & 4 of March 2023.

The central themes of the comic are incarceration and obligation of treatment. An initial inspitation was the tragic deaths of people dying from fire while being chained on beds and abandoned inside mental institutes. Inside the comic there are several references to old greek rock songs, such as “Για το καλό μου” (For my own good), “Η πρώτη φορά” (The first time) and “Η ελευθερία δε νικιέται” (Freedom cannot be defeated). There is also an indirect reference on how most states chose to deal with the covid crisis.

The visual style follows my older comic “For a breath of freedom“.

The translation of the comic was made by Ntina Poursanidou.

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2024 Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio