Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio

κόμικς, ζωγραφική, εικονογραφήσεις, καρικατούρες... comics, paintings, illustrations, caricatures...


Back in late ’00s and early ’10s I used to make some caricatures mostly inspired by political situations, especially here in Greece. Some of them were used to illustrate animated works while others were standalone sketches.

Recently I started again making some works that could be described as caricatures only this time my inspiration came by other fields like literature and art. As I want to continue with this activity (at least as long as I have spare time between my comic works) I decided to create a separate section to present all these works together.

In almost all of them I followed the same course of action. First a realistic drawing of the face, then several tests modifying various features, finally ending up with a caricature drawing. Then using this as a guide I usually end up with two versions of a color caricature, one focusing on the face and the other on some action that fits the person.

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2024 Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio