Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio

κόμικς, ζωγραφική, εικονογραφήσεις, καρικατούρες... comics, paintings, illustrations, caricatures...

Pandemic (small comments)

During the pandemic I started to make some sketches commenting on everything that was happening around us. I published these sketches on the internet often accompanied by some text explaining my thoughts behind the drawing. Some of the issues I was concerned with were repression, unreasonable bans, the abolition of any kind of dialogue (including scientific), censorship, cannibalism against those who did not subscribe to the official narrative, the dependence of so-called experts on power and huge financial interests (see pharmaceutical multinationals), the hijacking of personal data, the creation/maintenance/management of the state of emergency.


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2024 Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio