Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio

κόμικς, ζωγραφική, εικονογραφήσεις, καρικατούρες... comics, paintings, illustrations, caricatures...

Political satire 2009-1013

The caricatures that I present here were made during the period of PASOK’s government (2009-2011) and the implementation of the first memorandum, during the Papademos government and during the period of the New Democracy government with A. Samaras as Prime Minister and with PASOK’s E. Venizelos and F. Kouvelis’ DIMAR as allies (this is the era of the second memorandum and the PSI).

Finally, there is a stand-alone series of cartoons inspired by the tarot cards for some of the Greek government figures who signed the 1st Memorandum (2009). The names of the cards are in order: The Fool Man, Death, The Hanged Man, The Magician and The Devil

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2024 Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio