Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio

κόμικς, ζωγραφική, εικονογραφήσεις, καρικατούρες... comics, paintings, illustrations, caricatures...

Reproductions /Appropriation

In this section there are copies of well-known paintings, most of which I made on commission, while others were made as studies. Some paintings (especially Klimt’s Tree of Life) were requested from me on other occasions so I present their different versions.

The more recent works have been done with acrylic paints on cardboard (usually 50x70cm). Some in between have been done with oils (e.g. the two Modigliani works) while the older works are studies in tempera on watercolour blocks.

In addition, there are some appropriation works, i.e. works that reproduce original paintings, but with deliberate changes in order to produce a new meaning. These works draw inspiration from conceptual art and almost all of them were made while I was studying for my MA in Fine Art. They are mostly studies and most were made with oils.

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2024 Κυριακος Μαυριδης Portfolio